Exercise at Workplace for a Better Health
Exercise at Workplace for a Better Health An office is a place where we spend most of our time confined to a chair. This...
Know about Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency
Iron is an important mineral required for the proper growth and development of our body. Lack of iron in the body results in...
6 Ways to Keep a Healthy Mind and Body
6 Ways to Keep a Healthy Mind and Body
In the present day, a majority of us juggle work and personal life. Lack of time...
Do I Have Diabetes? How do I Know it?
Early Phase of Diabetes - Diabetes is a chronic ailment, which has to be monitored on a regular basis. Many people complain about the abrupt...
Sedentary lifestyle diseases
“Price of sitting too much comes with a rusted body and accelerated aging. Are you up for it?”
A Sedentary Lifestyle is a way of...
Parameter of the Month: hs-CRP
What is hsCRP?
High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein better known as ‘hs-CRP’ is a serum biomarker of inflammation and the hs – CRP test specifically quantitates...
Hepatitis – Know Your Liver’s State Before it’s Too Late!
What is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of liver caused by viral infection and mainly include hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses....
10 ways to prevent Diabetes
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mortality due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) accounts for 53% of deaths in India. Among these NCDs, diabetes...
Stress Induced Health Problems
Stress Induced Health Problems
Today’s life style comprised of unhealthy eating habits, junk food, involving long working hours, lack of physical activity, and bad...