Stress Induced Health Problems

Stress Induced Health Problems

Stress Induced Health Problems

Today’s life style comprised of unhealthy eating habits, junk food, involving long working hours, lack of physical activity, and bad sleeping patterns. All of this together makes it difficult to pay heed to maintain good health. A sum of these factors cumulatively affects health adversely by inducing stress. Stress is not just a mental issue but also, a physical issue that occurs when an excess of pressure, even exceeds your limit or capacity due to inability to cope. The exact definition of stress is very challenging to state for researchers as it is a subjective phenomenon that varies as per individual. The most prevalent form observed is work-related stress which is often regarded as negative stress because of worry, tension, anxiety, and agitation. An alarming signal is when it remains for a longer period of time, advancing into chronic stress depleting physical and mental health.

There are certain signs and symptoms. Mostly headaches, nausea, stomach pain, difficulty in breathing, back pain, disturbing dreams, obsessive behavior, skin rashes, chest pain, insomnia, frequent urination, loss of appetite or stress-induced food cravings, difficulty in staying focused or concentrating and suspicious nature. The major health hazards of it include, depression, heart disease, problems with digestion, also affects skin, hypertension and auto-immune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, etc. Here are some interesting ways to prevent this problem:


Higher stress levels directly affect mental health. Stress disturbs the thought process and inclines one towards negative feelings, thereby bringing in anxiety and nervousness. So, in order to tackle it, the practice some form of relaxation techniques like meditation and Yoga is a necessity. It’s better to fix a specific time of a day to perform deep breathing exercises for relaxation of the body and to increase focus and concentration.

Heart Diseases:

Prolonged stress triggers an increase in blood pressure levels, which is a risk factor for heart attack or stroke. Low-fat food is good for a healthy heart. Good food can also, help to cheer a positive mood. It is advised to avoid unsaturated fats, oily foods, high sugar-containing desserts, processed food, dishes prepared using artificial colors, and junk snacks. All of these can be responsible for problems in digestion leading to stomach pain. Therefore, the diet that includes leafy fiber-containing vegetables, healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids, and meals with appropriate proteins levels,  helps to boost energy levels, maintaining activeness.


It has been proved that people with a history of hypertension tend to be more submissive and introverted, this again escalates the stress levels indirectly affecting blood pressure. Hence, a calm and composed attitude is the key to avoiding or overcoming stress. You should be aware of ways to calm yourself down when you’re feeling angry, or overwhelmed by a situation. Whenever you are under stress, remember all the things for which you are grateful, thank God and your loved ones who have been always there standing for you. After this, you will realize how much lucky you are and all the stress will fade away.

Skin Problems :

Stress causes skin rashes due to infections as the immunity has been weaken due to it. The vessels supplying blood to skin can constrict to cause tightening of skin. Also, it causes excess of sweating and itching. To prevent this, one needs to drink ample of water every day, also, can use moisturizing lotion or take bath using moisturizing soap to keep skin healthy.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

It was observed that chronic stress can generate low white blood cell counts making the body more susceptible to infections. Also, it has been proved by certain studies that, stress accelerates the release of immune factors such as cytokines. Over-production of these causes an inflammatory response which is often characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. The good side of it is, with advancements in treating the progression of diseases can be inhibited. Hence, if your body is not receiving an appropriate response to treatment, do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor; instead of remaining silent and facing the burden of stress. Also, appoint an expert physical therapist to guide you in exercises that can show marked improvements.

Parkinson’s Disease:

Apparently, many individuals experience psychological stress, and the pervasiveness of the same can be a dominant reason for the development of a number of diseases.  Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of them. There are many pieces of evidence that proved the worsening of Parkinson’s symptoms due to psychological stress. Hence, discovering new ways to manage stress is very crucial for PD patients. Also, the best way to do it is by identifying people and resources. This will surely be helpful in order to manage a few tensions, worry full responsibilities, and critical aspects in your life.

So, now you know the solutions, try to figure out for yourself or for anybody suffering from it. Follow or guide to win over stress and get what you deserve.