Passive Smoking

Avoid Passive Smoking With 6 Effective Ways

The Ugly Truth About Passive Smoking Taking a cigarette break from your routine schedule...
Lab Quality Control

How does a lab run Quality Control

Lab Quality Control is a serious business! The promise of safety and accuracy, Quality is more than...
Kidney Test

Which tests help you really to care for your kidney?

Kidney; from waste elimination to oxygenation this organ completes your body’s regulation. Read how testing can keep this intact...
throat infection

Remedies to Ease Your Sore Throat

Throat Infection Symptoms During a pandemic, if you are experiencing pain, irritation, or itching in your throat; it’s a matter of concern. These throat infection...
Symptoms Sore Throat

Sore Throat – Impossible to Ignore

Sore throat is painful, irritable, scratchy, and causes an itchy sensation while swallowing food. Commonly it is caused due to a viral infection like...
Shedding Light on Vitamin D Deficiency

Shedding Light on Vitamin D Deficiency

When someone says vitamin D, as a 90’s kid, my first thought goes back to Calcium Sandoz and its happy-puppy bottles. Although I loved...
Liver Detox

Liver Detox- Does it Actually Work?

Liver Detox The liver is one of the largest organs of the body and is responsible for a range of functions like regulating hormones, balancing...
Liver Health

Tests to help you check your liver health.

An organ that can regenerate itself as well as heal your wounds and detoxify your blood! Such is its...

5 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease!

5 Signs of Alzheimer's Memories are the most precious part of life but what if all these...
10 Thyroid Symptoms In Women

Hypothyroidism Symptoms in Girls: New Facets of an Old Disease

Hypothyroidism symptoms in girls Symptoms of hypothyroidism in girls are different from boys. Hypothyroidism is a low-active demon that ignores what can have disastrous consequences...