Complete Blood Count

Complete Blood Count: Explained

Complete Blood Count. Complete blood count (CBC) is an essential part of our routine health check-up; hence it is essential to have an understanding of complete blood count. It is...
How increase AMH levels naturally

How increase AMH levels naturally : What is the Connection?

How increase AMH levels naturally? Many of us may not be aware that, thanks to advances in diagnosis, an AMH test, now a simple...
free thyroxine


What is Thyroxine T4? Thyroxine (T4) is one of the two major hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. T4 hormone has four iodine molecules attached...
Liver Care

Fatty Liver Demystified

As the name suggests, fatty liver is a common condition associated with excessive deposition of fat in the liver. Surprisingly, many of you might...
10 Ways to Boost Immunity Against  Coronavirus

10 Ways to Boost  Immunity Against  Coronavirus

How To Boost immunity against Coronavirus. Since majority of population is still waiting for vaccination, the best possible alternative to fight COVID-19 pandemic is to strengthen...


What is ANTI MICROSOMAL ANTIBODY? Microsomes are found inside thyroid cells. The body produces antibodies against microsomes, when there has been some damage to these cells. Autoimmunity...
weight loss

Fight obesity to keep your body healthy and disease free

How to Fight obesity? Nowadays there are so many before-after advertisements stating 100 % weight loss. These adds shows some thing magical transformation from the...


What is Fructosamine? When glucose combines with protein, it forms a compound called Fructosamine. This test measures the total amount of fructosamine or glycated protein...
Gain weight safely

Safest Ways to Gain Weight

Gain Weight Safely In a world of 1.9 billion obese individuals, where weight loss programs, weight-loss diets, are trending; no one would have paid...
vitamin D

Can We Get Vitamin D From Food?

If your recent vitamin D profile suggested that you are deficient, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. The normal...