Tips to Protect Your Kidney Health

If you don't think about your kidney health often, you’re probably not aware of how to prevent kidney failure. Your kidneys are your body’s filtration...
thyroid during pregnancy

Miscarriage Due to Thyroid: What Should You Know?

Miscarriage Due to Thyroid Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase in a woman’s life, but it’s not that easy to experience it. During pregnancy, a woman goes through...
Vitamin K deficiency

Diet for Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin Food If you are healthy and eating enough vitamin food in your diet, you probably don’t need to worry about vitamin K deficiency. The food sources rich...
Liver problam and systoms

Are Children Prone to Liver Disease?

Liver Problems and Symptoms Human beings of any age, including children, are vulnerable to liver diseases. The functional failure of the liver is associated with...

Common Foods that Can Help to Keep Your Thyroid Gland Healthy

  Is your butterfly gland working properly? The thyroid gland situated at the lower part of the neck is responsible for the formation and secretion of...
unirnary tract infection

Know Everything About UTI in Women

Out of different other vital organs of your body, your urinary tract is more susceptible to different infections. There are many uncomfortable urinary tract infection symptoms you...
vitamin D

Can We Get Vitamin D From Food?

If your recent vitamin D profile suggested that you are deficient, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. The normal...
Liver Care

Fatty Liver Demystified

As the name suggests, fatty liver is a common condition associated with excessive deposition of fat in the liver. Surprisingly, many of you might...
throat infection

Remedies to Ease Your Sore Throat

Throat Infection Symptoms During a pandemic, if you are experiencing pain, irritation, or itching in your throat; it’s a matter of concern. These throat infection...

Electrolytes: The Intricate Balance

All living beings are metabolically active due to a number of physiological interconnected processes. Probably many of them are not as vital to make the...