Tips To Healthy Ramadan Fasting For Diabetics

Ramadan or Ramzan is a crucial festival in Muslim religion, celebrated worldwide. During this holy month of Ramadan, muslims observe fast during the day....
Shedding Light on Vitamin D Deficiency

Shedding Light on Vitamin D Deficiency

When someone says vitamin D, as a 90’s kid, my first thought goes back to Calcium Sandoz and its happy-puppy bottles. Although I loved...
Woman in pain periods PCOS PCOD easy home remedies

PCOS and Easy Home Remedies

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder in which women experience irregular periods due to various factors like hormonal imbalance. This is due...
Let’s Dia-beat it: Ways to Prevent Diabetes

Let’s Dia-beat it: Ways to Prevent Diabetes

As a kid, I could never understand why grandpa had so many medicines on his night stand or why mom strictly prohibited sugar in...
10 Easy Tips To Treat Dry & Damaged Hair

10 Easy Tips To Treat Dry & Damaged Hair

We all want healthy lustrous hair and flaunt them with confidence everywhere we go, but a single #badhairday can make all the hell break...
Preventive Healthcare for Healthy Ageing

Preventive Healthcare for Healthy Ageing

Over the last few decades, the world has seen a drastic increase in the human life expectancy. In 1800, an average person could live...