Let’s Dia-beat it: Ways to Prevent Diabetes
As a kid, I could never understand why grandpa had so many medicines on his night stand or why mom strictly prohibited sugar in...
Outsmart the Arthritis- Keep moving!
Certain conditions cannot be cured, they can only be endured. Awareness holds the key to managing them....
Parameter of the Month: hs-CRP
What is hsCRP?
High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein better known as ‘hs-CRP’ is a serum biomarker of inflammation and the hs – CRP test specifically quantitates...
10 Easy Tips To Treat Dry & Damaged Hair
We all want healthy lustrous hair and flaunt them with confidence everywhere we go, but a single #badhairday can make all the hell break...
Preventive Healthcare for Healthy Ageing
Over the last few decades, the world has seen a drastic increase in the human life expectancy. In 1800, an average person could live...
8 Skin Care Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Doing
If you are confused about which skin care regimen and products are best for your skin, just Google it. Thousands of options will be...
Winter Smog – A Hot Topic
There is one thing about Delhi you’ll absolutely adore: wintersCold crisp airFresh colourful wardrobeHot cups of teaWinter food specialtyThe soft wintry sunEnjoying slow walks...
Healthy Diet For Managing Diabetes
Since 2nd century AD, diabetes has been one of the greatest mysteries and challenges in the medical world. Today, diabetes is a health concern worldwide. Diabetes...
COVID Omicron Variant BF.7
The word ‘COVID’ takes me back to the lockdown period when everyone was waiting for the pandemic to be over. Doctors were doing everything...