Let’s Dia-beat it: Ways to Prevent Diabetes

Let’s Dia-beat it: Ways to Prevent Diabetes
As a kid, I could never understand why grandpa had so many medicines on his night stand or why mom strictly prohibited sugar in his and granny’s chaai or why aunt used those special footwear which never complimented her outfit. But now, there is no denying that diabetes has always been a part of our lives, even before we...

Preventive Healthcare for Healthy Ageing

Preventive Healthcare for Healthy Ageing
Over the last few decades, the world has seen a drastic increase in the human life expectancy. In 1800, an average person could live up to 25 years. Today, the global average life expectancy is 70 years. The miracles of modern medicine and public health initiatives have helped us live longer than before - to the extent that we...

Winners Quit too: 10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Winners Quit too 10 Reasons to Quit Smoking
“Smoking kills”“Tobacco causes painful death”“Smoking causes throat cancer”“Cigarette smoking is injurious to health”Cigarette packs come with a variety of warnings. But I often wonder if bold texts and gruesome photographs of cancer victims ever stop smokers from lighting one. If you smoke, many times many people must have asked you to quit smoking. You probably would have thought of kicking...

Effects of Alcohol on Your Body

Effects of Alcohol on Your Body
At first, you may feel happy and stress-free about drowning your sorrows in a drink. After several drinks, your words will start slurring. By the end of the night, you will barely be standing straight with no coordination between the body and brain and struggling to keep your eyes open. It’s okay to wobble home on rare occasions, but...

Hair Fall – Getting to the Root Cause

Know The Root Cause of Hair fall
Remember those ads by Parachute Advansed Hair Oil? “Ye baal nahi hai, ye main hu” the line says it all! Our hair speaks volumes about our health and well-being. So, if you are suddenly noticing lots of hair on your hair brush or bathroom floor, it could be a sign of underlying health conditions. There are several ways to fix hair...

Do I Have Diabetes? How do I know it?

Symptoms Of Diabetes
In this article we will know about Symptoms Of Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic ailment, which has to be monitored on a regular basis. Many people complain about the abrupt occurrence of this health concern without previous warning signs or symptoms. How do I know, if I have diabetes? What indications hint at the presence or Symptoms Of Diabetes? Generally, the...

Corporate Wellness : Invest in your Employee’s ‘Health’

Corporate Wellness
Corporate Wellness In our day-to-day life, we are so busy balancing everything from the office to home and socializing with friends that we often end up ignoring our health. Somehow we try to put some effort like jogging, exercising, and engaging in a sport and make them a part of our routine but does it really happen?. What if we...

10 Signs & Symptoms Of Thyroid Issues In Women

thyroid treatment
Signs Of Thyroid Issues in Women Thyroid Issues In Women Symptoms, The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland is an important part of the endocrine system which helps in regulating hormones in the body, thereby, maintaining growth, energy, and metabolism in an individual. However, over-or under-use of the thyroid gland often leads to health issues such as Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism. Usually, women are...

Can Obesity Increase the Risk of Cancer?

Obesity Cancer Risk
Obesity Risk Can Obesity Increase the Risk of Cancer? People are more terrified of smoke and tobacco, what about the junk we consume!! What is Obesity? Obesity is a condition in which a person’s body has more than the required amount of fat deposition and this can...

Importance of Insulin in Health and Disease

Importance of Insulin
Importance Of Insulin It is impossible to overestimate the importance of insulin. Produced by the pancreas, this hormone is responsible for several important functions in the body. It is crucial to understand the importance of insulin to manage your blood glucose levels and prevent diabetes complications. Role of Insulin This is how insulin works in your body. If you are a non-diabetic person, ...