Hepatitis – Know Your Liver’s State Before it’s Too Late!

What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of liver caused by viral infection and mainly include hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses. The type of virus infection can be distinguished on basis of their mode of transmission (contaminated water or food), epidemology, presentation, prevention & control. Hepatitis can be very dangerous and can even lead to death...

Mission Dengue Free India : Stay Away from Dengue Fever

Dengue Free India
Introduction to Dengue : These days one will find patients suffering from Dengue everywhere. The hospitals beds are occupied with dengue patients. Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a particular mosquito known as Aedes Aegypti. When a female mosquito bites the infected person it becomes vector for transferring of the virus and then, ingest virus into...

Snoring and lack of sleep may reduce your chances of survival from Breast Cancer!

Breast Cancer
Survival from Breast Cancer Yet again women are threatened to strive, not from social stigma, patriarchal society or the burden of procreation, but from the global disease - Breast cancer! A new trend of this cancer is setting in gradually among the women of 30’s and 40’s, threatening their life at an early stage. Also, the number of incidences of...

Common cold in kids can cause Diabetes, too!

cold and diabetes
Common cold and Diabetes With monsoon around the corner, sneezes and sniffles will be heard everywhere! The culprit responsible is one of the most common infectious diseases of mankind, which  affects anyone and everyone, whether a baby or an adult. Yes, known to be caused by more than 200 viruses which change frequently overtime, “Common cold” continues to be unbeatable...

Do Bread, Pizza, Burger contain cancer causing chemicals?!

Bread, Pizza and Cancer? Being an Indian has got absolutely nothing to do with our cravings of bread butter and toast for breakfast! Sandwiches, burgers and pizzas have now entered our daily food habits, so much so that calling bread our staple food wont be a falsifying statement. Any extreme case scenario brings a unforeseen outcome and thus sadly speaking...

Know Your Thyroid!

know thyroid
Today is celebrated as ‘Thyroid Day’ in many parts of the world, and here’s what you need to know about your “Thyroid Gland” a tiny butterfly shaped organ that rests in the front and at the base of your neck. The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine organs (organs that secrete hormones) that produces hormones responsible supporting the...

Health advantages of living in Green Spaces!

living in green
Living in Green Greens are attractive eye catchers! To be precise they are naturally occurring scenic beauty comforters that sooth our mind; and no matter how much our newly acquired lifestyle mesmerizes us, the connectivity we experience with the natural creation is inexplicable. To speak in terms of science, research on longer healthy lives imposes health improvement in people associated with vegetation or greens...

Here’s how Vitamin D will benefit you!

Vitamin D
Vitamin D Benefits Expose yourself to the early morning sun for 10 minutes for strong and healthy bones! - is very relatable health advice of most doctors these days. Vitamin D, is not a foreign term for the masses subjected to numerous advertisements rolling every now or then on television channels or radios, on health drinks and dietary supplements for...

Creating Awareness about Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes Prevention
Who is not aware of this lifestyle-inflicted condition? Diabetes mellitus (better known as ‘Diabetes’) has become a common disease of the present generation affecting old and young alike. While we have “Type 1 Diabetes” which is related to less or no production of insulin; there is “Type 2 Diabetes” which is majorly caused due to a resistance developed in...

Can your smartphone detect skin cancer?

Smartphone Detect Skin Cancer? Believe it or not, almost every individual is addicted to his or her smartphone these days! Think about it, who can say no to a platform filled with limitless functionality and practical applicability in a compact and portable form in this fast-paced, dynamic life that we live in?! Checking messages, playing games, grabbing information and building...