Can metabolic syndrome affect your heart?

Metabolic Syndrome

Confused about how to keep your heart in pink of health? You landed on the right destination where the below tips will help you to discover the solution.

Can metabolic syndrome affect your heart?

Metabolic syndrome, also known as the syndrome X, is a group of metabolic conditions which may cause heart disease. This group of conditions includes insulin resistance (high blood glucose levels), obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia (elevated triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels), and hypertension (high blood pressure).

Most commonly metabolic syndrome is diagnosed in obese individuals.
Metabolic syndrome can promote arteriosclerosis (a heart-related condition) due to the excessive amount of fats and cholesterol in the blood causing chest pain or heart attack.

Risk factors High blood pressure -Lower HDL Cholesterol (good cholesterol) -Central Obesity (excessive belly fat) –Insulin resistance Predominantly, central obesity and insulin resistance can act as the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Consuming diets rich in saturated fat or cholesterol (atherogenic diet) can also be the underlying risk factor for both, these conditions as well as cardiovascular diseases.


Diet- It may vary according to the individual’s condition. A registered dietitian can help to make diet plans ensuring adequate nutrient intake (e.g. calcium, iron, folate) while reducing the calories. The primary goal must focus on reducing the risk of heart disease.

Exercise- Various physical exercises have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. Various aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, Zumba and swimming are recommended. Walking and light jogging for one hour per day can reduce abdominal fat without caloric restriction.

Stop Smoking- Smoking increases the risk of various diseases including heart disease and stroke. Quitting can have significant health benefits, especially for individuals having metabolic syndrome.

Medication- Various physical exercises have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. Various aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, Zumba, and swimming are recommended. Walking and light jogging for one hour per day can reduce abdominal fat without caloric restriction.

In some cases, medication becomes important to manage different risk factors contributing to metabolic syndrome such as high blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

Worried about yourself or your loved ones? Refer to the link below to know the various diagnostics tests provided by Thyrocare to diagnose Metabolic Syndrome: