Lifestyle changes during covid-19
The world is coping up by making lifestyle changes during COVID-19 pandemic. It is trying to recover from the mental stigma and social hibernation it had to face during this time, while still being hopeful about the pre-pandemic life returning. Although, experts say it is too early to predict anything; we need to have sensible foresight to maneuver effective positioning of shattered pieces of a pre-pandemic era to redefine lifestyle transformations in the post COVID session.
Thus, change is inevitable in everything we do, the way we socialize, shop, travel, invest, educate, eat, etc. The sooner we adjust towards this “new normal” lifestyle, the smoother will be these transformations.
Understand Your Stress Triggers
Experts suggest that self-care through self-motivation is the key to battle with the overwhelming anxiety issues you might have to face during this critical period. Despite all the personal/financial losses and hard work, if you would be able to deal with the positive mechanism; you will be able to combat stress, anxiety, and negativity associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilize this time for self-care, daily exercise, meditation, nurturing hobbies, developing a better skill-set; all of these will minimize your stress triggers.
Optimize Your Sleep
Sleep can be the best medicine for all your daily frustration, mood swings, inflammatory immune discomforts, etc. Adequate sleep with a balanced diet can be one of the best coronavirus tips to rebuild your immune system to be stronger for all types of infectious attacks.
Accept the Change and Move on
As of now, change is the only certain experience we can have; and accepting the same will help us to focus more on things that we can control, may it be cooking a meal for your family or keeping you in shape with daily workouts, etc.
Avoid Excess Information
You don’t have to listen to the same news, again and again. The media coverage is sometimes fake or just simply exaggerating. You should be able to get the information at your discretion; by choosing the time or channels of information. It is important to understand that overloading yourself with stressful information can pull you back into your anxiety mode.
Be Grateful for Whatever You are Left With!
This pandemic has turned many lives upside down, many of them have lost their loved ones, many have lost their jobs; and many are suffering from Post-COVID health challenges including depression, stroke, dementia, anxiety, etc. You should be able to spend some time of a day to express gratitude for what you have left with.
Although it is still a long way for recovery, the pandemic acknowledge the importance of many things that we were ignorant about like technology, healthcare heroes, personal attention, healthy homemade food, time with your immediate families, etc.
Hopefully, we should be able to pass through the situation; without losing a sense of optimism.