Calcium Requirement in Children

Calcium Requirement in Children
  Calcium Requirement in Children If your child falls into any of the above categories, you should go to the doctor and see the highly touted mineral levels in virtually every television commercial for a popular children's health drink claiming to be stronger, stronger, and faster in body and mind. It makes up about 3.5% of the earth's crust and...

Basic Sanitation: A major healthcare woe

Basic Sanitation
Basic Sanitation The UN initiative - ‘Millennium Development Goals’ involves a set of guidelines aimed towards working for the needs of the poorest as agreed upon by all countries and leading developmental institutions. Though the target for 2015 included halving poverty rates, stalling the spread of HIV/AIDS, and making provisions for universal primary education, one of the goals concerns...

Types of Surrogacy

Types of Surrogacy
Types of Surrogacy Seema and her husband were eagerly awaiting for their fertility test reports to be out. The couple had been yearning for a baby for the past 10 years of their marriage. Surely a long wait for someone who loved children more than anything in this world. But alas their hopes were shattered when the attending gynecologist...

Prostate Cancer – How do you cope?

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer has become a massive threat to the lives of people around the world, causing great distress, psychological distress, and hardship for both those affected and their families. This is a condition that results from abnormal, uncontrolled cell renewal that prevents cells from functioning normally. In this article, we'll give you a brief overview of prostate cancer, the type...

Menopause Symptoms – a new start to Womanhood

Women - With the power to procreate; this realization is earned full potential only after attaining puberty and beginning of menstruation. Though many girls crib about those irritating three days every month, it is only when they give birth, do they realize the beauty this gift has bestowed. For a girl, every change of phase in life is symptomized...

Parameter of the Month: hs-CRP

What is hsCRP? High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein better known as ‘hs-CRP’ is a serum biomarker of inflammation and the hs – CRP test specifically quantitates its levels. What is the difference between CRP and hs-CRP? As a biomarker, both are recommended to assess inflammation. However, CRP in most cases is tested in individuals who are affected by some inflammatory conditions, while hs-...

Office Ergonomics – Five Ways To Build A Right Workplace

Office Ergonomics Many of us spend our time in the office sitting continuously in front of a PC or a laptop. With moving or getting up from the place becoming almost negligible; eventually which brings in typical ‘Office Body’. health problems like pain in the back, neck, and shoulder along with the hunched-over body posture. An add-on to such a sedentary corporate...

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Belly Fat Increases

belly fat
Reason For your Belly Fat Most of us dream to have a flat belly or ‘six-pack abs’; but sadly the reality is different, as the prominent Indian population has a bulging belly. The biggest reason behind this is the sedentary lifestyle which we live owing to numerous demands that surround us, like the 9-hour jobs involving sitting continuously at one...

5 Easy Ways To Support Your Friend With Cancer

Support cancer patient
Support your friend suffering from cancer Friendship - A relation not defined by blood ties but from ties, we make on earth during our lifetime. Undoubtedly, friends are the ones with whom we share almost everything; at times even certain secrets and thoughts which we feel uncomfortable to even sharing with our parents. Right from secret crushes in college to...

Hepatitis – Know Your Liver’s State Before it’s Too Late!

What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of liver caused by viral infection and mainly include hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses. The type of virus infection can be distinguished on basis of their mode of transmission (contaminated water or food), epidemology, presentation, prevention & control. Hepatitis can be very dangerous and can even lead to death...