Why does high HbA1c need immediate attention?


What is HbA?

HbA is a type of hemoglobin. A well-known word “hemoglobin” is a protein present in the red blood cells (RBCs). It is responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body. The supply of oxygen helps in nourishing the cells and preventing them from damage. Studies suggest that 90% of the hemoglobin is HbA.

How do glucose levels relate to HbA?

As every lock has its specific key, this hemoglobin has a specific site for oxygen binding.

When the body’s glucose level increases, which usually occurs in the case of a disorder called diabetes Miletus; this high number of glucose molecules compete with oxygen to bind with hemoglobin, and occupies its place forming HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin).
As RBCs have a life span of 120 days, HbA1c can give an indication of the body’s glucose level for the last 3-4 months. Thus, enabling a person to keep a track of their glucose level.

High HbA1c- A crying call!

Levels of HbA1c below 6% mg/dL are considered as normal.
The high level relates to improper glycemic control in diabetic patients and warns non-diabetics of developing it.
The elevated levels of HbA1c increase the risk factor for stroke, coronary heart disease, organ dysfunction, and damage to the nervous system.
Studies suggest that lowering the level of HbA1c reduces the risk of most complications related to diabetes.

Why is the HbA1c test important?

It is currently the best way to check whether a person has diabetes or for monitoring the blood sugar levels in diabetics.
This test helps doctors to predict the effectiveness of the insulin treatment.
The cherry on the cake about this testing is that it does not need fasting to get accurate results.
Another advantage it offers is that it can be done immediately at a single visit and can reveal about diabetes and its control.
Above all, it is accepted worldwide as a gold standard test.

Sweetness can be controlled wisely, By going for HbA1c test regularly, For identification and monitoring…