Rising Threat of Sitting Disease

Sitting Disease

If someone asks which is the biggest disease that can harm us, many of us might say cancer. But do you know there is an even bigger threat than cancer..Read on to know..

Rising Threat of Sitting Disease

Compared to today’s lifestyle, the one from 200 years ago; before the industrial revolution was more dependent on physical work. It is believed that back then people only used to sit for about 300 minutes per day on average.

Fast-forwarding to the present day, office worker sits up to 15 hours in a single day! Even school students sit for a longer time period. Ironically, there is a higher chance, that you are reading this article while sitting on your chair.

If these are the cases, then you might have a “sitting disease”.

The Problem- Sitting Disease!

Sitting disease refers to the group of conditions involving high b.p. (blood pressure), blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and excessive body fats due to physical inactivity.

It is the 4th leading risk factor for global mortality.

The Risks- A 21 st Century Affliction?

Sitting disease or physical inactivity is associated with a variety of conditions like- Obesity, Risk of heart disease, Lower back pain, Diabetes, and Cancer.

The Solution- Now Get Up and Move

For beginners, you might start by simply ‘standing’ rather than sitting. However, it is not enough to avoid certain diseases and may be tiring for some. Here are a few ways to avoid a chair-locked brain.

  1. NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) exercise
    It involves stretching, turning, and bending. Doing it regularly for 10 minutes is recommended by the experts.
  2. Pretend its 1980
    Instead of shooting an email to your co-worker in the same block, walk to him/her and ask personally. Some organizations also have certain email-free days to make their employees move from their chairs.
  3. Stand
    Whenever possible, try to stand rather than sit for long. This not only tones your muscles but also burns the extra calories.
  4. Think your way home
    Avoid using vehicles for short distances. While taking a bus or training, doing exercises like clenching or relaxing your muscle can be great. You can even get off at the previous stop and walk to your destination.
  5. TV sets
    You can multitask while watching TV. The ‘in show commercials/ advertisements could be great indicators to complete small tasks like dusting your curtains or anything.