Pregnancy is the best feeling for every woman. Both, the fetus and mother need utmost care and regular check-ups for their better health.
Pregnancy is the best feeling for every woman. Both, the fetus and mother need utmost care and regular check-ups for their better health.
Tests Recommended During Pregnancy
Following tests are recommended during all three trimesters of pregnancy:
1. First-trimester testing:
A] Blood tests- Complete Blood Count (CBC) determines hemoglobin levels in red blood cells. Lack of hemoglobin will supply less oxygen to the developing fetus. Mother’s blood is screened for Hepatitis B and C and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
B] Blood typing and antibody screening- Checks for Rh compatibility between mother and fetus. An antibody screen determines if potentially harmful antibodies are present in the mother’s blood.
C] PAP test and HPV testing- Screens for cervical cancer, inflammation, or any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). HPV testing assesses women’s cancer survival risk.
D] Urine Screening- High glucose or protein in urine indicates gestational diabetes or kidney disease. Bacterial vaginosis test detects bacterial infections, which may cause pre-term labor.
E] Thyroid testing- Monitors functioning of the thyroid gland, which produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) necessary for healthy growth and development of fetus and mother.
2. Second-trimester testing:
A] Antenatal screening for double, triple, and quadruple markers determine maternal risk for having a child with Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, or neural tube defect.
B] Amniocentesis- This diagnostic test detects certain birth defects and fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
C] Anomaly scan- Performed before 20th week to rule out any fetal defects.
3. third-trimester testing:
A] Group B streptococcus test- Streptococcal infections can infect the mother’s uterus and urinary tract thus harming the fetus during birth.
B] Contraction stress test- Measures fetal heart rate at the onset of labor and throughout delivery. Electronic fetal heart monitoring monitors fetal heart rate during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Antenatal checkups are the mother’s most important responsibility…!