How the human growth hormone controls your aging?

human growth hormone and aging

Growth hormones invite a stronger body, glamorous skin, sharp mind, and a lean physique… Read ahead to maximize this benefit…

How the human growth hormone controls your aging? A hormone that builds your body

The very growth of your body is credited to the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). It causes the growth of your organs, hands, legs and gives you the height you have. This hypothalamus part of the brain releases a protein that acts on a gland that eventually releases the HGH. Once released in the blood it acts on various organs to bring about its functions. Proteins that build up your body are present because of the action of HGH. The liver and your skeletal muscles are its primary target of action. Then the liver releases the Insulin-Like Growth Factor, which is required for growth and development of the body. The Human growth hormone increases during the teenage years, which is when maximum growth and development of the body takes place.

Released during sleep

During sleep, this hormone has the maximum release and its functions are enhanced. So it’s of vital importance that we do not disturb our sleep cycle. Especially teenagers and young adults, who are regular defaulters are the worse affected ones. It may not hamper them at that age, but this will have a long-lasting effect as they will slowly become prone to diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart stroke/attack.

Age is a barrier here!

1. The level of hormones produced in our body decreases with an increase in age.

2. The hormone makes our body lean, build muscle and bones and hence we have much mechanical strength at a young age.
3. Our mental strength of learning and memorizing also is at its best when the maximum amount of this hormone is produced.
4. It acts on our cells and tissues, giving a superior look to our skin. This further gets reflected on our body’s glamour and overall posture.
5. With the increase in age, as the level of hormones go down, we land up in various health issues.
6. Diabetes, bad cholesterol, weight gain, memory problems, the poor capacity for doing physical exercise, thin dry skin, weak bones and muscles, and many more show up when hGH levels go down with age.

Testing the hormone

The hormones levels can be tested to understand the health condition and predict diseases, in case it is not sufficient. A urine or blood sample is generally taken and an ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) based test is performed.

Gain to avoid pain

The takeaway message here is that your health is determined most by the quality of your life at an early age. So it’s advisable that you take maximum benefit when the body offers it to make a competent tomorrow.