Why my body is heating up?

why body is heating up

Did you know estrogen is also found in males? Continue reading to explore its effect on reproductive health and how to maintain its levels…

Why my body is heating up? What is Fever?

The optimum body temperature for regulation and proper functioning in a healthy individual is about 37°C (98.6°F). Fever is the body temperature higher than the normal temperature i.e, 38°C and above. Fever is induced by a pyrogenic substance that can be endogenous or exogenous to our body, external bodies like viruses and bacteria is an example of exogenous pyrogen. Fever also develops during the production of prostaglandins, which is needed to fight germs.

Fever Profile

Persistent fever could be an underlying cause for several infectious diseases such as chikungunya fever, malaria fever, typhoid fever, etc. It is the major symptom that helps recognize diseases. The fever profile consists of blood tests that screen for the presence of causative factors.

1. Malaria- 

Malaria is a parasitic infection that belongs to the Plasmodium species, transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes. Parasites present in the mosquitos’ saliva is transmitted into an individual’s blood through mosquito bites. Fever is a frequent indication on examination that may progress into severe malaria.

Malarial Antigen

A blood test examines the presence of malarial antigen in the blood released by the malarial parasite. A positive result may indicate the risk of malaria.

2. Typhoid-

Typhoid fever is majorly caused by Salmonella typhi (gram-negative bacterium) and salmonella paratyphi. A common pathway for proliferating infection is through ingestion of an infected organism. Sources of infection can be poor hygiene and contaminated sewage water supply. Typhoid manifests a slow rise in fever and toxicity.

Typhoid Test-

 This test determines the presence of typhoid bacteria or typhoid DNA in the blood.

Dengue virus belongs to the family of Flaviviridae, which is transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. It influences from mild asymptomatic illness to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome.

Dengue Antibody Test- IgG and IgM

A blood test determines the presence of antibodies produced by the immune system of a person exposed to dengue viruses.

Got tensed when you or your loved ones had a fever? Fever may be thought of as a negative health problem that should be avoided, however, it’s your body’s natural way to express the presence of certain bacteria inside the body. It is often a sign of a healthy and well-functioning immune system. So, in the upcoming occurrences, instead of getting scared try to know the actual problem by keeping certain tests checked.