Fatty Liver Demystified

Liver Care

As the name suggests, fatty liver is a common condition associated with excessive deposition of fat in the liver. Surprisingly, many of you might go unnoticed with your fatty liver symptoms; until it leads to progressive functional failure of the liver. Although you cannot reverse the condition, however the good news is that with little changes in your lifestyle you can achieve better liver health.

How Important is the Liver?

The liver is the primary organ supporting many life-saving functions like:

  • Helping the production of proteins and supports the storage of iron.
  • Helping removing toxins from the body along with kidneys
  • Convertingnutrients into energy
  • Supporting faster wound healing
  • Helping proper digestion through production of bile

What are the Fatty Liver Symptoms?

Steatosis, also commonly known as the fatty liver is associated with excessive fat deposition in the liver. There are commonly two categories – an alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic fatty liver. However, if the fat deposition reaches more than 10%; it may lead to a more fatal condition like liver cirrhosis. Some of the commonly reported symptoms of fatty liver are:

  • Continuous abdominal pain, especially in the upper right side of the abdomen; often misinterpreted as gastric acidity.
  • Unusual nausea and/or loss of appetite leading to weight loss.
  • Yellowish skin and eyes.
  • Abnormal mental confusion, extreme unusual tiredness

Who is More Susceptible to Fatty Liver?

You may be more susceptible to fatty liver disease if you are:

  1. Asian and/or Hispanic origin
  2. Displaying symptoms associated with post-menopausal period
  3. Obese with a high level of fat in the belly part
  4. Having high blood pressure
  5. Suffering from chronic diabetes
  6. Suffering from obstructive sleep apnea i.e. blocked airway.

How is Fatty Liver Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of fatty liver disease is a little tricky, therefore people often don’t notice any fatty liver symptoms. However, higher levels of characteristic liver enzymes during blood tests are referred to as confirmatory tests, raising alarming red flags.

Keeping Your Liver Healthy?

Post diagnosis with fatty liver disease, try adapting to certain lifestyle changes gradually, like –

Firstly, avoid drinking alcohol

Secondly, avoid food, drinks that are toxic to the liver

Thirdly, get vaccinated for complete protection against hepatitis A and B


To check the liver parameters are within the range, simply book a liver function test and get tested today.