PCOS and Easy Home Remedies

Woman in pain periods PCOS PCOD easy home remedies

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder in which women experience irregular periods due to various factors like hormonal imbalance. This is due to the overproduction of androgens or male hormones (present in females but in lower quantities) in females. PCOS can be a painful experience for many women, but here are some simple home-based remedies to ease out your pain.

These remedies do not treat your PCOS entirely. However, help with the symptoms when clubbed with medications prescribed by your doctors.

Home Remedies for PCOS

1. Mulethi 

Mulethi or licorice acts against androgens and stimulates the production of an enzyme which converts androgen into oestrogen (female hormone).5 

  • You can take a cup of hot water, mix mulethi root powder in it and use it for 2 months. You can drink this brew daily for prolonged effects.
  • Or boil a piece of mulethi stick in water and have it first thing in the morning.

2. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds decrease the level of androgen in the body and help in weight management in PCOS. Consume flaxseeds daily by 

  • adding them into your diet in the form of milkshakes and smoothies 
  • mixing them into your yoghurt with honey 
  • consuming them directly 

Flaxseeds are extremely beneficial in managing PCOS and reducing the pain.  

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps improve the functioning of insulin receptors. Research suggests that adding cinnamon in your diet corrects menstrual irregularities. 

  • It can be consumed daily by adding it in the tea, milk, black or green tea as per your preference. 
  • Sprinkle some cinnamon powder on your yoghurt, smoothies, shakes, etc.
  • Chew cinnamon sticks after your meal.
  • Mix lemon, cinnamon and honey and boil it in water. This helps reduce weight and the effects of PCOS.

4. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea reduces PCOS symptoms. Consuming chamomile significantly decreases serum testosterone hormone in women with PCOS. You can consume it by using a bag of chamomile tea or a spoon of it in warm water and brewing it to your taste.

As an alternative to chamomile tea, you can also include peppermint tea, oolong tea, ginger-basil, and lavender tea in your diet.

5. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is very effective in reducing period pains and decreasing the intensity of symptoms. Aloe vera helps restore hormone levels in the ovaries. These were the findings of an animal study. The exact use of aloe vera gel is not known and requires further investigation.

  • Take aloe vera gel and water. Mix it well in a blender.
  • You can also add some flavours or juices to taste – lemon or lime juice, pineapple, or pomegranate.

Other Lifestyle Changes For PCOS

Balanced Diet

Practise a healthy diet. A balanced diet containing all essential nutrients and vitamins in healthy proportions is always highly recommended by doctors.


To manage PCOS, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercising. Exercising for min 150 minutes/week reduces stress and weight. Also, the calories are constantly burnt and hence, insulin levels can be kept under control. Working out also boosts your mood due to the restoration of normal hormone production. Weight management decreases the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. All this can be achieved by reducing 5-10% of the weight.

Regular Health Checkups

All women with PCOS should get regular health checkups for the metabolic and reproductive issues that may occur. Regular health checkups (in this case, PCOS or PCOD profiles) help you keep your several body functions in check, such as sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and hormonal levels, and you can better manage PCOS with regular full-body health checkups.