5 Easy Ways To Support Your Friend With Cancer

Support cancer patient

Support your friend suffering from cancer

Friendship – A relation not defined by blood ties but from ties, we make on earth during our lifetime. Undoubtedly, friends are the ones with whom we share almost everything; at times even certain secrets and thoughts which we feel uncomfortable to even sharing with our parents. Right from secret crushes in college to silly events in every day of our lives, a friend is someone who knows every bit of us! But a devastating situation comes in front of a dear friend. Your friend is diagnosed with a disease like cancer! – an ultimate trauma and a sure means of isolation. What soon would creep in your friendship is his/her busy schedule full of appointments, scans, and treatments along with the endless thought of a nearing fate. The first thing which will come to your mind will be spending some time with him. But, whenever you meet, it may be very difficult to understand what to say or do that will bring a smile to/her face.

‘Cancer’ the word itself is associated with feelings of despair, anxiety, and isolation. We often fail to understand that cancer patients are overlooked, due to our reluctance in interacting with them and to know what’s exactly going on in their minds. This is a very crucial aspect because the diagnosis of a disease like cancer brings many changes in one’s lifestyle. Hence, strong emotional support from their surroundings to boost their willpower coupled with moments of happiness is essential.

There are no concrete rules to support a friend who recently got diagnosed with this life-threatening disease. The secret lies in, is to keep things simple, as little things which we do selflessly are the ones that leave behind a great impact. First of all, you need to keep in your mind that, touching, hugging, or shaking hands with your friend does not mean you will become the next cancer victim; on another hand, it will make your friend feel better. A friend will not want your sympathy but a feeling that you care. Here are few simple ways by which you can apply to support and care for your dear friend with cancer :

Make Up Your Mind First :

First of all, cope with your own emotions before visiting his/her home as you need to control all your feelings that can even make your friend weaker emotionally. Think what all things will result in a few moments of laughter but at the same time be careful that it won’t hurt if he or she is no longer capable of experiencing them.

Always Ask Before You Visit :

Do not forget to confirm if it’s the right time to visit as the patient can be in a hospital or at home. On the top, if your friend is unwell your visit will make him uncomfortable. So, make a phone call to seek permission to visit as well as make flexible plans that can be changed if your friend needs to postpone.

Make Every Visit Memorable :

Whenever you meet, start a conversation by saying, “It’s good to see you” instead of commenting on physical appearance as there can be physical changes due to cancer. Talk about likes, hobbies, and things that will distract your friend from thoughts of cancer. Offer him gifts such as motivational books, articles regarding people who won over cancer, etc. Show them discount offers on online shopping portals as carrying out shopping in markets and malls may not be possible for your friend due to weakness.

Put Some Practical Efforts :  

Often we forget that family members of cancer victims need support. Hence, it is essential to even boost their morale and practically helping your friend’s parents in daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. can even mean a lot! Help them with hospital formalities, booking of health checkups and chemotherapy sessions, etc., and or even drive your friend to an appointment. You can also go for walk followed by a movie together with the whole family.

Your Words Can Do Wonders :

  • Here are examples of phrases that can be really helpful :
  • I care about you.
  • If you ever feel like talking, I’m here to listen.
  • You can share anything with me.
  • What are your plans for today, and how I can be part of it?
  • It will be great if you tell me how can I help you with this.

In the end, you need to understand that friendship can really make a difference, Happy Friendship Day.