Infertility – Symptoms and causes

infertility causes

Don’t assume things… Infertility is an issue that can trouble you as well as me! Let’s find what can help to stay away from it…

Causes of infertility?

Infertility is the inability to bear a child due to factors affecting reproductive health. It is seen in every one out of six couples and can affect both males as well as females equally. The word infertility is used when after trying to conceive for one-year pregnancy does not fulfilled.

Have you ever wondered why this problem exists since time immemorable are now more frequently seen?

Infertility  Causes

  1. Stress- Anxiety, depression, and stress can cause hormonal imbalances, and also increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This in turn has a negative effect on infertility. In fact pre-conception stress and anxiety also further induce infertility.
  2. Infections- Certain bacteria and viruses can cause infections that may have an impact on fertility. Sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis of the uterus, and Human Papilloma Virus infection are some of the prime causes of infertility.
  3. Thyroid- Disorders of the thyroid gland, specifically hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disorders (the body attacks its own cells) are strongly related to fertility problems.
  4. Diabetes- Reduced insulin sensitivity or action and increased blood glucose levels trigger obesity, metabolic syndrome, and hence, infertility.
  5. Contraceptive Pills- When consumed for a long term or in increased frequency oral contraceptive pills have adverse effects on fertility.
  6. PCOS- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in females causes sex hormone (androgen) imbalance, irregular menstrual periods, and cyst formation in the ovaries. This makes conceiving difficult in such women.
  7. Body Weight- Metabolic functions and hormone disturbances, are witnessed in individuals who are too thin or fat which can determine fertility.
  8. Family History- Genetic build-up of an individual largely determines fertility.
  9. Age- Increased age is medically proven to affect fertility in men as well as women and also make conception difficult.
  10. Lifestyle- Sedentary habits, decreased physical activity and long sitting times can make you obese, hypertensive, diabetic, and thus witness fertility issues.
  11. Eating Habits The food you eat defines your health! PCOS is more common in obese females so is decreased sperm count in diabetic or obese males. Smoking and alcohol intake also directly affect fertility.

A vicious cycle of tests, consultations, treatment, and therapies is all that you get caught up in thereafter! All in the hope of bringing to life a baby having your bloodline and genes.

Mystic is the process of bringing a being to life, let’s keep it that way and not let our habits temper with it!!