CA 19.9
What is CA 19.9 ?
CA 19.9 is a tumor-associated antigen that is elevated mostly in patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. CA 19.9 levels may...
What is Ferritin?
Ferritin is a major protein and the storehouse of iron. A ferritin test helps to assess disorders related to iron deficiency like...
CA 15.3
What is Cancer antigen 15.3?
Cancer antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3), a protein produced by normal breast cells, is used as a biomarker to monitor cancerous...
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a C-19 steroid secreted by the testis and adrenal cortex in men, and by ovaries in women. Hypogonadism in males...
What is Cystatin C?
Cystatin C is a small protein found in body fluids like blood. It is filtered by the glomeruli (tiny blood vessels)...